Junior School Certificate (JSC) Exam Result 2010 Of Bangladesh

Junior School Certificate (JSC)

The first-ever Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examinations for the students of class VIII began across the country on Thursday.

A total 15,05,391 students -- 7,05,272 boys and 8,00,119 girls -- from 27,221 educational institutions across the country are taking part in the exams at 1,804 centres under eight general education boards and one madrasa education board.

From now on, there would be no class final examination or separate scholarship examination for class VIII.

The students must pass the exams to get enrolled in class IX. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of their results, the ministry sources said.

All the subjects except Bangla second paper, English first and second papers, and mathematics of general school categories will be held in creative question methods.

JSC and JDC examinations will end on November 14 and 15 respectively.

Dhaka Metropolitan Police restricts common people's access to a radius of 200 yards of each exam centre to create congenial atmosphere. The restriction will continue from November 4 to 14.

Get JSC and JDC Result

JSC <Space> Bord Code <Space> Roll No. And SEND to 16222 
যেমনঃ JSC Dha 34598 লিখে Send করুন 16222 নম্বরে।

মোবাইলের মাধ্যমে ফলাফল জানতে হলে - মোবাইলের Message অপশনে গিয়ে JSC লিখে একটা space দিয়ে প্রার্থীর নিজ Bord কোড নম্বর লিখে আবার space দিয়ে রোল নম্বর লিখে SEND করুন ১৬২২২ নম্বরে

Junior School Certificate Result 2010, Bangladesh JSC Result 2010, Barisal Board JSC Result 2010, Chittagong Board JSC Result 2010, Class Eight Exams Result, Class Eight Final Exam 2010 Result, www.dpe.gov.bd, JSC Result 2010, Scholarships 


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